Debra Winegarten, Public Speaker Extraordinaire

Debra loved public speaking and engaging with her audience through videos and podcasts. Here's a selection of that work.

Lone Star Literary Life, Author Interview

Author interviews by Kay Ellington, LSLL Publisher
Each week Lone Star Literary profiles a newsmaker in Texas books and letters, including authors, booksellers, publishers. Read More by Clicking Here...

Oveta Culp Hobby

Award-winning author Debra Winegarten gives a presentation on Oveta Culp Hobby for the Texas State Historical Association's "Texas Talks" series.

View Video...

Houston Public Radio interview
"Oveta Culp Hobby: An Unsung Hero in Texas History"
Click Here: KUHF Radio interview on Oveta Culp Hobby

KUT Radio Interview 
Click Here: "For Trailblazing Texas Oveta Culp Hobby, a Long Overdue Biography" 

Houston Woman Magazine
"The Leadership Style of Oveta Culp Hobby," by Debra L. Winegarten, published in 

Winegarten shares story of Oveta Culp Hobby and Signs Books at Fort Hood
on Fort Hood Herald
by Valerie L. Valdez 
Click Here:

Killeen Area Heritage Association Hosts Oveta Culp Hobby Biographer, Debra Winegarten

On Writing and Marketing

Debra Winegarten – How to Self Promote – Social Media
Watch Video...

Featured Author Debra Winegarten Interviewed for BookWoman Even
Get a behind-the-scenes view of Winegarten's current projects and read some of what makes her tick.

Writing on the Air
Broadcast with Debra Winegarten.
Click here for more info and to listen to the broadcast

Winegarten on “Outrageous Requests”. 
Click here to read Jude Walsh Whelley’s blog post:
Click here.!Outrageous-Requests/cu6k/5738e3ed0cf27fbcd71cd859

Texas Association of Authors 
Announcing Sociosights Press "Meeting God at Midnight" 2014 Best Women's Poetry Award and Debra Winegarten's 2014 Best Biography Award for "Oveta Culp Hobby: Colonel, Cabinet Member, Philanthropist.”
Click here to view 2015 Award Press Release 

Dear Texas Radio Show
Debra Winegarten is interviewed about her latest books and upcoming work, June, 2016 for "Dear Texas" radio.
Click here.

“There’s Jews in Texas?”

The Book of Life: Jews in Texas
Author Debra Winegarten and oral historian Josh Parshall of the Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life talk about the Jewish experience of living in Texas . 
Click here.

A Book and a Chat with Debra Winegarten
To hear the full radio interview:
Click here.

Jewish Book Council: A Review by Deborah Schoeneman
Click here.

Book Review by Zvi A. Sesling in "Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene:"
Click here.  

Book Review by SueAnn Wade Crouse, in "Very Smart Gals:" 
Click here.